May I be...

“May I be heart-centered and brave as I listen, allow, include and lead by example in the nuanced spectrum of self-compassion.”

These words have developed into a mantra that I have been expanding upon for several days now. They feel like a loving anchor or a steady compass that have guided me back home to practice in the nourishing field of my High Self. Each word has depth of meaning and spark a visceral reaction in my being as I write, read and repeat them.

It’s amazing to observe how the words we use shift our reality. At the most basic level, words give us meaning and create a surge of chemicals down old or new neural pathways. We are creatures of habit and tend to use the same words, repeat the same beliefs, and divert energy down the old superhighways in our brain.

Words create our reality. Understanding this and using words wisely, without bypassing or avoiding, yet also without fixating or creating more of what you want less of, is one of the most powerful skills we can cultivate as human beings.

I invite you to pause, get comfortable and tune into your breath. Notice how you are feeling and ask yourself what message or reminder you need today. Whatever arises, phrase it with the opening words of “May I….”

May I remember…

May I be…

May I trust…

Go with whatever feels like word medicine. Keep it simple to start, as I did with “may I be heart-centered and brave.” Over the next few days, come back to the mantra and get curious about what is becoming more clear. That might mean tweaking what is already there or adding more detail. Continue until you land on your powerful positive statement. Stay with it for a few more days, and notice what happens.
