Yoga Nidra program for 80% off!

It is time to wake up and notice our dysregulated nervous system. And I am offering my Yoga Nidra program at 80% off for a limited time to help you do just that! Read to the end to get the promocode for this offer.

For many of us, when something happens that increases danger signals or DIMs, a cascade of changes happen to mobilize our system for action, such as, our heart rate increases, brain waves speed up, our breath shifts more to the chest as it quickens or becomes strained in an attempt to suppress some uncomfortable feelings arising, and our vision narrows, which also mirrors the narrowing in our perspective, perception of self and others, aligning with the signals of increasing danger.

On average, this triggered cascade of the fight or flight survival system happens 50-300 times per day, and for some of us, it is chronic. Reflect on these past few years and how hard your nervous system has been working to protect you!

What Happens Next?

Once a system spends a considerable amount of time "out of balance," the wise body adapts around this "new normal" and a plethora of results can manifest (i.e. fast breathing at rest, IBS, hypertension, chronic insomnia, disease/cancer, ADHD, etc.), all of which make regulation, restorative and relaxation difficult, uncomfortable and seemingly out of reach. The body-mind now resists what it truly needs because it has familiarized and created homeostasis around an imbalanced state of being.

Sometimes we need to slow down and recognize that an intervention is needed. When we stay in a dysregulated state, not only do we increase our likelihood of developing disease, we are also at the mercy of a system full of outdated programming and we fall into the trap of the illusion of separation and victimhood. Yoga Nidra is your invitation and guide to wake up and reshape your nervous system.

Why I Created This Program

I have created this online program to teach and inspire you how to rest, and to do it well. Rest is not extra, is vital, and it needs to be a priority. If you find rest to be unsettling, un-enjoyable, far from reach, or not even on your radar, then this program is for you. 

“Rest is sacred. It is vital. It is non-negotiable. No longer think of rest as a long departure from more important work. Think of it as an integrated, continuous return to your deepest work: being all the way alive. The eternal ones understand us and whisper to us now: children, in every moment, no matter what you face, you can heal yourself with rest. Rest is a life skill. When you master it, you realize it is not a departure from your life. It is the soul of your life.  A nurturing you do in the garden of each precious Breath and moment. Freedom.”

- By Jaiya John (Fragrance after rain: Mystic whispers for your tender heart)

Your program begins the day you register. 

Find out more information here: Yoga Nidra Registered Program

Use promocode/coupon: yoganidra4everyone to get this at 80% off! The Inspired Yoga and Wellness website will be shutting down on December 18, so you have until December 15 to take advantage of this content at this reduced cost. Content can be downloaded until December 18 so you can take your time to enjoy it again and again.

Here is a short-ish Yoga Nidra recording that will give you a taste of what this practice feels like.

Love, Marin