21 Day Challenge - the dope(a)me discipline

One of the most fascinating (and considerably frustrating) things about the mind is that we can KNOW what we need but that does not necessarily correlate with actually making any changes towards that KNOWING. If all we needed to do was know what we need or want, then there would not be an epidemic of depression, disillusion, self-harm, and mental health afflictions in the general population.

The conscious mind is at the helm 5% of the time - which is where we say things like “I want to be more healthy,” “I want to practice meditation and movement,” or “I want to show up more grounded for those I love most.” Yet, the majority of our day (95%) is spent in our programming - the subconscious realms of the mind and the unconscious strength of the body.

This 21 day challenge was created to support YOU in creating the foundation you need for the change you desire. It is grounded in the science of habits and provides instruction on how to meditate, how to listen and follow sensation in your body, and ultimately, how to clear and create space in your mind and body so you have what you need to do something different than what you did yesterday.

Too often we get bogged down by how far we have to go, or we get overwhelmed by looking at all the variables and changes needed, and our energy is drained before we even begin. I have learned many times over that by setting the bar low and committing to small steps, massive change becomes simple.

By working with the animalistic nature of our human-ness, and understanding how to trick our mind and body to make the changes we desire, we can create new habits of thought and action that seem impossible from where we are standing right now.

This challenge is focused on a simple morning and evening routine. When we learn how to slow down, hold space and notice what we are feeling, we get access to the depths of our programming. We have to get beyond the analytical mind through practice. When we slow our brain waves down, we enter the operating system of the unconscious program and that is where we can create real and sustainable change. It is not will-power that you need, it is SPACE.


You know what you need or want more of. When you stop to think about the habits or patterns that are getting in the way of your progress, you can list them out no problem. When asked what gets in your way, 9 times out of 10 you respond with “myself.” There is no shortage of information out there detailing what a healthy and balanced lifestyle looks like. Yet, if change were easy and if we actually did what we know we needed to do, you would be feeling content, grounded and full of inspiration on a daily basis, and the shame, guilt and exhaustion you currently deal with would be a tale of your past.

This 21 day challenge is for YOU! This is a simple formula to follow in order to create and conserve the high quality energy you desire for your life. This program serves to support you in staying focused on what you truly want for yourself and others, while building the foundational habits and knowledge to sustain the trajectory towards the success and growth you seek.


This challenge is simple. Everyday, you carve out two minutes in your morning and two minutes in your evening, dedicated to connecting, moving, and writing. Just TWO MINUTES! I also offer several resources, videos and invitations to explore reflection questions throughout the process. While two minutes is the minimum requirement, you can add more time and learning if that is what lights you up.


We can feel motivated and inspired one moment and yet lose our steam within minutes, especially when we are in a habit of draining our own energy with negative self talk, over-analyzing, and the deflating mindset that appears when we start and stop more than we successfully complete what we set out to do. Don’t hate your monkey mind, don’t berate your inner-child for throwing tantrums, and definitely do not fall into shame or guilt when you see that you are not perfect. Embrace who and where you are, and focus on creating space, because that is where healing and sustainable change occurs.

We need to love ourselves up and work with our animalistic mind that happens to be at the wheel more than our more pragmatic and delayed-gratification seeking conscious mind.

Join me for this 21 day challenge and you will have the foundational building blocks in place for any goal and direction you desire!

First step, ensure you are registered on my mailing list!

Second step, purchase the 21 day program!

Let’s have some fun xoxo