Word of the Year - 2016 was all about CONNECTION

Hey beautiful people,

It is approaching the end of the year, and that generally brings a feeling of coming full-circle, finishing what you started, and allowing this chapter to close to create space for what is next. For the past several year, I have engaged in the process of choosing one powerful word to focus on for the year as my foundation for growth. Our words are powerful! The intention we choose and the focus we align with will impact how you feel and how you show up in life. We are creatures of habit; 95% of what you think today you also thought yesterday. Not surprisingly, approximately 95% of your daily life is operated by your subconscious, the system where your habits, programming, limiting beliefs, and stale patterns are all being housed. 

You want different results, you need to change up the way you think. We can spend most of our life on auto-pilot, wondering why we fall in the same patterns and struggle with the same issues. Your thoughts dictate your reality. 

Choosing a Word of the Year has proven to be a huge driver in my success and development. 2016 has been all about Connection. I wanted more heart-felt, raw, and elevating connections. I saw the opportunity for more support and more love in my life. What started as conscious and intentional coffee dates, eye contact, and genuinely curious questions, turned into beautiful friendships and collaborations.

At the start of the year I had to remind myself often that my word was Connection and that I needed to make a conscious effort to breathe this into each day, allowing the unique energy of each day to play into this intention. But soon, it became more natural and came to mind without force or effort. Connection became my new way of being. This helped me heal a part of me that has felt disconnected from myself and from the world. I realized that I was still numbing emotions with tv, smoking weed, and over-exercising. I committed to getting to know these shadow-sides of myself and embrace these compulsions for trying to protect me the only way they can. 

I read more about Connections, I brought it up in conversations more often, and I reflected on how I was showing up and what Connection was teaching me and bringing into my life. I now feel more aligned on my path, more confident in my journey, and more compassionate for the parts of me that are softer or less-developed or understood. I am a work in progress, and Connection has been my reminder all year that I am full and complete on my own, yet elevated when I get out of my head and breathe into the connections in this moment. 

I have developed a process of questions, reflection, and mind-mapping to help you choose your Word of the Year. Your word will excite you and make you nervous. It will point at what needs to shift and what needs to be uncovered and developed in the light of day. Together, we will each land on our own powerful word, and then take some time to put it on canvas, because we all know we need reminders. Regardless of whether you think you are a creative person or not, it does not matter. The self-talk and limiting beliefs that pop up while we engage in the art project will be teaching and reflection moments to let go of perfection, embrace the message, and love what your unique energy puts on canvas. 

Two dates are available for this workshop, Saturday December 10 (3-5pm) and Saturday January 14 (3-5pm), at The Village (Brentwood area, just off Crowchild). All details and info can be found on the Workshops Scheduled page, or head to the link below to register. 


Reach out with questions, I would love to hear from you. Have an amazing day xoxox