Word of the Year Workshop

It is amazing to me to reflect on this past year and acknowledge how much I have accomplished and progressed. When I started this dope(a)me journey at the beginning of 2015, I was led by hope, passion, grit, and a desire to leave my unique mark on the world. Last night's workshop was one more big step towards my goal of supporting and elevating the happiness, passion, and motivation of those around me. When we have a clear WHY, a solid foundation of Self through Core Values, a support system or community to lean on and learn with, a deeper understanding of why and how your mind works, and tools in your tool-belt for creating change and developing new healthy habits.....anything is possible. 


We hold ourselves back due to negative self-talk habits, due to holding on to past trauma or "failures", and due to lacking the ideal know-how and discipline on our health. As one of the participants in last night's workshop pointed out, when your health is not taken care of - everything else suffers. Make yourself the priority. Get your health and self-love back on track, and it is amazing how everything else starts to fall into place. 

Here are a few pictures from last night. Thanks to everyone who came out. You are brave, passionate, open, and fun-loving people, and I am honored to call you all my friends. 

Stay tuned for more workshops coming up. Reach out if you have questions or want to set up a special workshop for your friends, family, or co-workers. <3
