The Path to Change - Yoga and dope(a)me FUNdamentals

I know that you are busy. I am busy. It's a beautiful position to be in. We have roles, responsibilities, duties, jobs, projects, people depending on us, hobbies to keep up, relationships to nourish, down time to honor, health and wellness to invest in, and commitments that keep us running from one thing to the next. It has become almost a badge of honor, "look how busy I am".

But what are you spending all of this "busy time" on? What are you getting out of it? How are these commitments, roles, projects, investments, etc., serving you? I am sure you will find that some of the things you are engaged in are hugely beneficial and rewarding, and I would be willing to bet that there are also several hours in your day being spent on things that take energy away versus fuel, expand, and grow you in a clear direction that you are excited about. 

This is why I have created The Path to Change: Connect, Create, and Clarity; learning Yoga and dope(a)me FUNdamentals. I know it is a big commitment to choose to invest your time (and money) in a 6 session course, especially when there are so many possible courses, seminars, groups, programs, retreats, etc., that you could choose. So why choose this one??

First of all, we all have habits that are not serving us. Habits of negative self-talk, habits of self-sabotage, habits in the way we react to struggle, habits in how we eat, habits in how we spend out down-time, habits in relationships....the list goes on. This course is, first and foremost, about HABITS. The act of getting together once a week to focus solely on YOU, your health, your balance, and your growth, is an amazing gift to give yourself.  This commitment will help you adopt the habit of taking time to ensure you are setting yourself up as your number one priority. If you already have that habit, this will help you dig deeper, grow stronger in your practice, and open you up to new tools and insights into where your blind spots are. 

Each session will begin with one hour of yoga. Whether you have never practiced Yoga before or are a dedicated practitioner, the yoga portion of each session will allow you to honor where you are while offering insights into letting go of stress and comparison, and enveloping yourself in self-love. 

The 6 weeks are broken up into 3 main steps, and they will build off each other, allowing an integrative and meaningful journey that will impact the way you view your world.


Week 1 and 2: Connect

In these first two sessions, we will engage in gentle and invigorating yoga as we mindfully build the foundation and get clear on our own boundaries and potential limitations.

We will focus our group work on the power of Self-Talk, Goal Setting, Body Language, Growth Mindset, and some basics in Nutrition. With only an hour of coaching, the time will fly by as you take notes, engage in reflection and writing, and set yourself up for a powerful week. 

Week 3 and 4: Create

In the middle two weeks of this series, we will bring in some more heat into our yoga practice as I introduce Yoga Beat and Power Flow. Still mindful of limitations and modifications, you will be taught ways to engage in your practice, honoring your body, and having fun regardless of the level of 'expertise' exemplified by the other practitioners.  

Our self-development work will then get into Limiting Beliefs, the Neuroscience Behind Habits and Happy Chemicals, How to Think About and Tell Your Story, and Creating Your Personal Mission Statement. 

Week 5 and 6: Clarity

With four weeks of intentional and empowering work behind us, we are ready to gain clarity and momentum for sustainable change. Our yoga practice will integrate what we have learned so far, and can be a little more interactive as you let me know what you are curious about and what you want to explore. 

Our group work will transition into Integrating what we have learned by creating an Accountability System, Revisiting Goal Setting, Creating a Support Systems that Incorporates Happy Chemicals, and Aligning our Lives with our clear Core Values and Purpose. 


This is only 2 hours out of your Saturday, for 6 weeks. It is amazing what we can accomplish with focused attention and intentional coaching. I am so passionate about this work and love being a part of people's journey as they let go of what is no longer serving them to leave space open to embrace and tune into what truly matters......*insert your Core Values here*. 

The early bird registration closes end of day February 15, and the regular pricing for registration will be open until 2 days before March 12. Reach out if you have any questions or to register for your spot.



  • $270 Early-Bird ($330 with Child-Care. ages 3+)

  • $300 After Feb 15 ($360 with Child-Care)

Where: The Village (4039 Brentwood Road NW)

When: Saturday March 12, 1-3pm (and the following 5 Saturday's)

Why: Because it is time to let go of what was and truly embrace and honor a life of self-love, passion, and growth.